Full Body Thermography Imaging
with the Alfasight™ 9000
Cost: $150
* No Radiation * Pain-Free * Adjunct Diagnostic Tool *
Assesses regulation capacity of all organs, glands and lymph
Over 40 signature patterns of diseases processes are rated and prioritized
Test is completed in 30 minutes
7 Major FDA Clearances
Abnormalities of the female breast
Peripheral vascular disease
Muscoskeletal disorders
Extra-cranial cerebral and facial vascular disease
Abnormalities of the thyroid gland
Various neoplastic and inflammatory conditions
20 Minute Full Body Scan
6 Page Report of full body organs and their functioning
Scan Includes
Sample Report
*Reports will vary
How to Book
1. Read prep for eligibility
2. Book 30 minute Thermography test with Hands of Soleil
3. Book 1 hour consult with external provider
Each thermography report must be read by a Medical Doctor or Naturopathic Doctor
We recommend:
Jackie Bell
*The AlfaSight™ 9000 is not intended to serve as a sole diagnostic screening procedure. It is intended as an adjunct diagnostic device only. Thermometry is not a replacement for mammography or any other imaging method, rather it is to be used in conjunction with conventional testing to provide a physiological perspective.